Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hooke's Law & Simple Harmonic Mechanical Oscillation


MIT Professor Lewin


Hooke's Law

  • If we displace the spring a distance of x, then $$F_{spring-restoring} = -k x $$
  • This is also known as Hooke's Law.

Measuring the spring constant k

  • $$k = \frac{\Delta F}{\Delta X} $$
  • $$T_{period-of-oscillation} = 2\pi\sqrt\frac{m}{k} $$
  • Knowing the mass and the period T, $$ k = m * \left(\frac{2\pi}{T}\right)^2 $$
  • Also knowing period T and spring constant k, $$ m = k * \left(\frac{T}{2\pi}\right)^2 $$
  • Notice these measurements do not depend on gravity and can be done in  the weightlessness of space.
    • $$ m a =  -k x $$
    • $$ m \ddot{x} = -k x$$
    • $$ m \ddot{x} + k x = 0$$
    • $$ \ddot{x} + x \frac{k}{m}  = 0$$
  • Our test function for x is:
    • $$ x = A \cos (\omega t + \phi)$$
      • A is the amplitude of the oscillation
      • omega is the angular frequency in radians/sec
      • psi is the phase angle in radians 
      • If the time t is advanced to T, then omega * T is 2 pi = 360 degrees = one full cycle or period
        • $$ T = \frac{2 \pi}{\omega} $$
        • $$ f = \frac{1}{T} ~ \mbox{hertz}$$
    • $$ \dot{x} = - A \omega \sin (\omega t + \phi)$$
      • Derivative is with regard t
      • Because the derivative of the cos is the -sin 
      • And because omega is multiplied time t
    • $$ \ddot{x} = - A \omega^2  \cos (\omega t + \phi)$$
      • The derivative of the sin is the cos 
    • $$ \ddot{x} = - A \omega^2  \cos (\omega t + \phi)$$
      • Already started with $$ x = A \cos (\omega t + \phi) $$
      • $$ \ddot{x} = - \omega^2  x$$
    • We already have: $$ \ddot{x} + x \frac{k}{m}  = 0$$
    • $$ - \omega^2  x + x \frac{k}{m}  = 0$$
      • $$ \omega^2 =  \frac{k}{m}  = 0$$
  • $$\omega = \sqrt \frac{k}{m} $$
  • $$T = 2 \pi \sqrt\frac{m}{k} $$


  • l = length of the string
  • theta = the angle the pendulum is displaced from the vertical
  • In the x direction: $$m a = m \ddot{x} = - T_\theta \sin\theta = - T_\theta \frac{x}{l} $$
  • In  the y direction: $$ m \ddot{y} = T_\theta \cos\theta - m g $$
  • These two equations are unsolvable as they are. But now we will make some approximations.
    • We will use "Small Angle Approximations"
      • Theta must remain a small angle. So theta must be << 1.
        • Cosine of theta must be very close to 1; and sine theta will be very close to 0.
        • 5 degrees = 0.996
        • 10 degrees = 0.985
      • The y acceleration is approximately zero
        • The y excursion at 5 degrees is about 4% of x direction
        • The y excursion at 10 degrees is about 9 % of x direction
    • Revisiting our previous unsolvable equations
      • $$ m \ddot{y} = T_\theta \cos\theta - m g $$
        • Since cosine of theta, $$ 0 = T -mg $$
        • $$ T = m g $$
      • $$ m \ddot{x} = - T_\theta \sin\theta = - T_\theta \frac{x}{l} $$
        • $$ m \ddot{x} + m g \frac{x}{l} = 0 $$
        • $$ \ddot{x} + \frac{g}{l} x = 0 $$
  • Notice the similarity of the spring equation and the pendulum equation
    •  $$ \ddot{x} + \frac{k}{m} x  = 0  \mbox{for a spring}$$
    •  $$ \ddot{x} + \frac{g}{l} x = 0  \mbox{for a pendulum}$$
  • Since we have solved  the equation for the spring, the equations by extension for the pendulum are:
    • $$ x = A \cos (\omega t + \phi)$$ 
    • $$ omega = \sqrt \frac{g}{l} $$
    • $$ T = 2 \pi \sqrt \frac{l}{g} $$

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